Sunday, November 16, 2008

Heart Health for the Servers Father

Why is it that when someone calls in sick it's always their father who has had a heart attack? And why do said fathers only have heart attacks on a Friday or Saturday? Is it not OK to have one mid week? I know if I was to have one, I'd want to have it on the Monday so I wouldn't have to work all week. As for it always being the father, do mom's not have heart attacks too? Or is it that you would feel too guilty jinxing your mother or grandmother with the bad karma this would inevitably bring? I'm not saying that some of these calls are not legit, but I've noticed a trend the last few weeks where a lot of fathers are having the Friday or Saturday heart attack.

To combat this, I've decided to have a father/daughter/son staff meeting with the Heart and Stroke foundation being the headline speaker. Perhaps they can give some heart healthy tips to the fathers, and also let them know that its OK to have one mid week. I'll keep you posted as to how this works!

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