Monday, November 17, 2008

A New Holiday for Hospitality Employees.

I used to work for a major hotel chain in the Canadian Rockies. It was a lot of fun and definitely part of the formative years of my life. Lots of fun was had by almost everyone that worked there.

The only downside of working there was you had to work Christmas Day. Normally, people are in merry, festive moods during the holiday season. That rule of thumb goes out the window when you are on holidays during the holiday season.

People were miserable. Nothing was quite as good as it would have been if they'd stayed home. Which begs the question, why didn't they?

Since we had to work Christmas, I proposed a new holiday for hospitality employees: Say What you Think Day. A day where employees could say whatever was on their minds. To employers, to guests, to whomever they pleased.

That would be better than the pair of socks and underwear Aunt Betty got you now wouldn't it?

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